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International Journal of Engineering works 

Kambohwell Publisher Enterprises 

Vol. 1, PP. 1-5, Sept. 2014 

Development Trend of Chinese Hydroelectric Generation Technology 

of Hydro Power Plant (HPP) 

Rehan Jamil, Man Jamil, Zhao jinquan, Ming Li, Jiang Qirong, Rizwan Jamil 

Abstract — Water power is a renewable energy which is 
economically cheap, clean and reliable. Theoretical 
hydropower resources of China amounted to 680 million kW, 
the greatest in the world. For the water maintains circulating 
according to a certain hydrologic cycle continuously and 
uninterruptedly, the water resources are considered to be a 
renewable energy. Therefore Hydropower is low cost due to 
firstly, the energy carried by the water flow is the only energy 
required for the power generation in the hydropower station. 
Secondly, the applied equipment is simpler than that of thermal 
power plant, thus costing less in maintenance and overhaul. If 
taking the fuel consumption into consideration, the annual 
operation cost of thermal power plant is 10—15 times higher 
than that of hydropower plant. Beside hydropower is clean 
during the course of hydropower generation, neither harmful 
gas, smoke, dust, ash will nor nuclear pollution will be caused. 
Hydropower generation has a high efficiency and conventional 
hydropower plant can make use of 80% water resources, while 
the heat efficiency of thermal power plant only reaches 
30%~50%. In this paper, the study is established in the 
necessary Engineering development of hydropower plants and 
hydroelectric generation technology in China. The Chinese 
model base of hydropower plants features, functions, flow 
analysis chart and ecologic Issues are also discussed in this 

Keywords — Renewable energy, Hydropower, Hydroelectric, 
Generation, Function, analysis chart, ecologic issues 


The conventional energy sources falls into categories of 
coal, petroleum, natural gas, wind power, solar power and 
water power resources [1], [3]. The water power resource is a 
renewable energy that equivalent to 345 billion tons of 
standard coal (developable in technology) in gross reserves and 
159 billion tons of standard coal (developable in economic) in 
the residual exploitable gross, sharing 2.6% and 11.5% 
respectively in the global gross reserves. Lump-sum investment 
for hydropower station is greater [2], [4]. Massive civil works 

This Research work is funded by National and International Scientific and 
Technological Cooperation Projects of China (Grant number: 201 1DFA62380). 

Rehan Jamil, Ming Li, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, China, Email: , Tel: +86-18388144878 

rfan Jamil, Zhao Jinquan, Hohai Univrsity, Nanjing, China, Email:, Tel: +86-18311492880 

Jiang Qirong, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Email:, Tel: +86-13910014893 

Rizwan Jamil, Heavy Mechanical Complex ( HMC-3) Taxila, Rawalpindi, 
Pakistan, Email:, Tel: +92-0312-5244035 

and great flooding losses demand for more investment; and 
huge amount of resettlement cost need to be paid; the long 
project period impacts the capital turnover [14]. Even the 
beneficiary's department's share the cost, the investment per 
kilowatt is still much higher than that of thermal power station. 
The turbine-generator unit features a flexible start/ shutdown 
operation, quick output, increasing/ decreasing operation and 
large output variable amplitude, deemed as an ideal means for 
the regulation of peak load and frequency and the emergency 
auxiliary power supply. The ecological impact must be 
considered when construct a hydropower plant. If a larger 
reservoir is built, more area will be flooded and more people 
need to relocate, influencing people's production and living 
conditions and the living environment of the wildlife and 
meanwhile changing the original hydrological conditions as a 
result of regulated flow by the reservoir [15]. 

Hydroelectric power generation | 

Figure 1 . Large Hydroelectric power generation-scheme components [8] 


The electric energy supplied by the hydropower plant is 
abundant, low-cost and pollution-free [5]. It shares 22% of the 
total electric energy, and costs much less [6] .The main 
functions of hydropower in the power system are a function of 
load & frequency regulation and Function of Energy Storage. 
The hydropower plant functions as the frequency and load 
regulation [8]. For the heat stress, the thermal plant is difficult 
to start and connect to the power network within a short time 
while the operation of the hydropower is more convenient and 
fast. Therefore, the hydropower plant is capable and 
responsible for load and frequency regulation in the power 
system [5], [6]. The energy in the power system is unstable and 
the difference between peak and valley of some power 
networks are great. For this problem, we suggest construct 
pumped-storage power plants, utilizing the surplus power at 
valley to pump the water from downstream to the upstream 

reservoir [6]. The pumped and stored water will be utilized for 
the power generation in the peak load. 


'"ai a^e 


Water ^J/a ^ s 

Turbine ~° I v / ^q 


Speed Control 

Figure 2. Typical Monitoring Parameters Configuration Diagram of Francis 
Type Hydroelectric Generating Unit 

n. World Hydroelectric Power Generation 

The hydroelectric power generation growth has been raised 
gradually fast and steadily by an average 3% annually since 
last four decades. About 16% of global electricity generation 
has been accounted with 3,500 billion kW-Hours 
hydroelectricity in 2011. Almost all large hydro dams probably 
world's 45,000-plus were produced electricity only about 16% 
of the world's need in recent 2011 [7]. Therefore hydropower 
generation construction is going fast developing in over 160 
countries. In fig. 3 chart as shown below, we can analysis world 
hydroelectric generation's rate from 1965 to 201 1 [7]. 

Figure 3. Configuration of monitoring system for a hydroelectric application 

Hydroelectric Generation byCountry 2011 
(Billion Kilowatt-hours) 

3.498 Billion Kilovatt-hours 

The Fig .4 is shown as 4 countries dominate the 
hydropower landscape: Brazil, China, Canada, and the USA. 
Among these countries, they are producing more than half of 
the world's hydroelectricity generation. The latest analysis 
chart is shown as per country's hydroelectric generation 
capacity in 2011 [7]. 

Share of Electricity from Hydropower 
in Top Generating Countries. 2011 


= 52 
I 5 " 5 : 5 

E e:e- 

= .55 ? 

Unrted States 

Source : EPI from BP 

Figure 5. Share of electricity from hydropower in Top Generating Countries, 


Fig. 5 shows sharing electricity capacity among the world's 
largest producers, Norway becomes the greatest share of its 
electricity from hydropower projects: a full 95%. Other 
countries get the bulk of their electricity from river power 
reported by world's energy resources [7]. 

III. Hydropower Development In China 

Before 1949, only several hydropower plants operated in 
nationwide. The installed capacity, then only amounted to 
360MW and the annual output was 1.2 billion kW # h, ranked 
the 20th and 21st place in the world respectively. Shilongba 
Hydropower Station, located in the Dianchi area of Yunan 
province, was the first hydropower plant of China built in 1912 
with an installed capacity of 2920MW. Since the foundation of 
New China in 1949, Chinese hydropower construction has 
gained rapid and further development [11], [12]. From 1950s to 
early 1960s, Fengman Dam and Power Station were renovated, 
small projects like Longxi River and Gutian were continued 
and some small, medium and small hydropower projects 
(including power stations in Guanting, Huai River, 
Huangtankou, Liuxi River) were constructed. In the late 1950s, 
the cascade development for rivers like Shizitan, 
Yanguoxia,Tuoxi, Xinfeng River, Xijing and Maotiao River, 
Yili River, etc. were started. 

From the middle 1960s to late 1970s, projects of Gongzui, 
Yinxiuwan, Wujiangdu, Bikou, Fengtan, Longyangxia, 
Baishan and Dahua were commenced. In the beginning of 
1970s, Liujiaxia Hydropower Station, China's first station with 
installed capacity more than 1000MW, went into operation. In 
1980s, the Gezhouba Hydropower Station with 2715MW 
installed capacity was completed, followed by a series of large- 
scale hydropower stations, including Three Gorges 
Hydropower Station, which was officially started in 1994 with 
18200MW installed capacity. 

Figure 4. World Hydroelectric Generation by country, 201 1 

International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 1-5, Sept. 2014 

Jiangxi area 
;u.m>d 10.925 MW 


Figure 6. Hydropower generation river reservoirs in china [10] 

By the end of 2000, there had 18 large-scale hydropower 
stations (storage station excluded), with 1000MW installed 
capacity or above, completed or under construction around 
China. The pumped storage power station has gained further 
development either. It was constructed in the water-deficient 
area and utilized to regulate the peak load on the power system. 
The Guangzhou Pumped Storage Station, completed with 2.4 
million kW installed capacity, is the 1st station of this type in 
China and the largest pumped storage station in the world. In 
addition, we had built Yamdrok Yum Tso Lake Hydropower 
Station in Tibet, the pumped storage power station with the 
highest elevation in the world. Besides, other pumped storage 
power stations are built, including Henan Baoquan Pumped 
Storage Power Station, Anhui Langyeshan Pumped Storage 
Power Station, Shandong Taian p Pumped Storage Power 
Station, Zhejiang Tongbo Pumped Storage Power Station, 
Jiangsui Yixing Pumped Storage Power Station and Hebei 
Zhanghewan Pumped Storage Power Station. 

Hydroelectric Generation in China. 1965-2011 


Figure 7. Hydropower generation in china from 1995-201 1 

China is one of the largest dam hydro generation making 
capacities in the world and much of the world's recent growth 
came from China. A Chinese hydropower generation more 
than tripled from 220 billion kilowatt-hours in 2000 to 720 
billion in 2010. In 2011, despite a drop in generation due to 
drought, waterpower reported for 15 percent of China's total 
electricity generation [7]. 

IV. prospect Hydropower Development In China 

China's water resources are rich in western areas, 
occupying as much as 75% of China's [13]. However, only 8% 
have been developed by now. Yunan province has the most 
potential for the hydropower development in western areas 
with 23.8% developable installed capacity of China [12]. Its 
water resources are mainly distributed in 6 river systems: 
Jinsha River, Lancang River, Nu River, Zhujiang, Hong River 
and Irrawaddy River. With the implementation of develop-the- 
west strategy, the west-east electricity transmission project will 
take further advantage of the abundant water resources in the 
west and promote the hydropower development of China. Now, 
2 giant hydropower stations, Xiluodu Power Station and 
Xiangjiaba Power Station, have been approved by the State 
Council, to be the largest hydropower base in China. Xiluodu 
Power Station, locating in the border of Sichuan and Yunan, is 
designed with 13.86 million kW installed capacity and 57.12 
billion kwh annual output; Xiangjiaba Power Station, locating 
in the border of Sichun and Yunan, is designed with 6.4 million 
KW installed capacity and 30.7 billion kwh annual output; 
Compared with other large hydropower stations, they have the 
following advantages: great regulating capability, less flooded 
farmland and fewer resettlement, etc. The small hydropower 
resources are abundant. The theoretical reserve is 
approximately 150 million kW, the developable capacity is 
about 70 million kW and the annual output is about 200 billion 
-250 billion kWh. With features of dispersed resources, small 
impact to the eco -environment, proven technology and small 
investment, the small hydropower is more applicable in the 
rural and mountainous area, especially for developing countries 
[11], [12], [13]. 

I Non-Exploitation rate 
I Exploitation rate 

Figure I 

Chart of national hydropower installed capacity and exploitation 

As a developing country, China's small hydropower 
construction has gained great achievement [11], [12], [13]. For 
now, 45,000 small hydropower stations have been completed. 
The gross installed capacity reaches 55.12 million kW and 
annual output amounts to more than 160 billion kWh, 
occupying about 30% of China's hydropower installed capacity 
and annual output. 2001 — 2010: large quantities of 
hydropower stations were built and put into operation, like 
Three Gorges, Longtan, Xiao wan, Gongbaxia, Shuibuya, etc. 
By 2020, the national hydropower installed capacity will reach 
330 million kW and the exploitation rate will rise to 60.6%. 

International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 1-5, Sept. 2014 

2011-2050: the exploitation rate of hydropower will go up to 
approximately 89%. 

V. Deep Development of Water Resources 

It is proven that when the development of water resources 
reaches a certain level, it will be more difficult to build a new 
hydropower station because the more social cost is required. 
Therefore, the developing mode will tend to deep development 
from the construction of a new station. There are 3 forms of 
deep development: expand capability and increase units; 
develop and utilize the surplus water resources; increase 
energy-stored units. According to incomplete statistics, there 
have 16 large-scale hydropower stations in China having 
expanded in capacity and increased in units, the added capacity 
amounting to 3068MW and occupying 38% of the original. In 
addition, a batch of hydropower stations has conducted small- 
scaled expansion by combining the irrigation with the existing 
hydraulic facilities, having promoted the utilization rate of 
water power and supplied the spare power for flood control and 
emergency as well. By 2020, the hydropower generating units 
having operated for more than 30 years in China will have a 
gross installed capacity of 52.184 million kW. If the expansion 
rate is assumed to be 10%, the expanded capacity will amount 
to 5.218 million kW; by 2050, the hydropower generating 
units having operated for more than 25 years in China will 
have a gross installed capacity of 328 million kW. If the 
expansion rate is assumed as 10%, the expanded capacity will 
amount to 32.8 million kW. It is clear that there has a great 
room for hydropower generating unit's expansion, which is 
considered as an important solution to cover the electricity 
shortage at present and in future. 

VI. Ecological Issues In Hydro Power Development 

At present, the greenhouse effect has caught the world's 
attention. Former Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, made a 
commitment to the world in the Leader's Meeting of 
Copenhagen Climate Change Summit held in Dec, 18th, 2009 
that "We have set the new target of cutting carbon dioxide 
emissions per unit of GDP by 40-45 percent by 2020. On the 
basis of protecting the eco -environment, we have developed 
hydro power in an orderly way, actively developed nuclear 
power, and encouraged and supported the development of 
renewable energy, including biomass, solar and geothermal 
energy and wind power in the countryside, remote areas and 
other places with the proper conditions." China attaches 
importance to the eco -environment protection. Former Premier 
Wen proposed that developing hydropower was an important 
measure to cut carbon dioxide emissions. The river basin plan 
of HPP construction should connect the hydropower 
development closely with the economic and social 
development [5]. The comprehensive exploration in 
combination with flood control, water log control, irrigation, 
water supply, fishery, tourism, soil erosion and water resources 
and ecology protection should be taken into consideration. The 
environmental concerns in hydropower station construction 
and operation lie in as follows: vegetation deterioration and 
soil erosion; channel filling by dregs and spoils; influence on 
migrating aquatic animals and plants; noise in the course of 
construction and operation, etc. Therefore, assessing the 

environmental impact is necessary before the construction of a 
hydropower station [14]. 


Water resource is renewable. As long as the water-cycling 
system on the earth is workable, we can keep utilizing water 
resource. Hydropower is considered to be a typical clean 
energy, for it causes no water consumption, water and gas 
pollution, and greenhouse gases. Renewable energy has been 
playing an important role in China's overall energy plan in 
recent years. Its use has many favorable outcomes and reliable 
benefits of Chinese economic development. Therefore, 
accelerating the engineering development widely in 
hydropower generation technology and use of renewable 
energy is an essential means for China to simultaneously deal 
with the serious problems of energy production and supply as 
well as environmental protection. 


The authors would like to acknowledge financial support 
from the Yunnan Normal University, National and 
International Scientific and Technological Cooperation 
Projects of China (Grant No. 201 1DFA62380). 


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International Journal of Engineering Works 

Vol. 1,PP. 1-5, Sept. 2014